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Payment Policies and Procedures

各部门应向财务部提交付款申请和证明文件 在收到货物或服务的发票或报销要求后支付 received. 一旦付款请求和证明文件提交给账户 付款,可能需要7-10个工作日来生成支票或ACH payment.

The following situations will extend 应付账款产生付款所需的时间:

  • Payment requests using grant funds;
  • Payment requests using foundation funds;
  • Payment requests with missing signatures;
  • Payment requests requiring additional approvals;
  • Payment requests with missing or inadequate supporting documentation;
  • 新供应商(包括独立承包商和候选供应商)的付款请求 reimbursements).
  • Check or ACH Requests

    校园部门必须为低于1万美元的购买发起付款 通过向应付账款提交发票和完整的支票/ACH请求. Check/ACH 请求必须由帐户字符串的相应资金审批人签署 be charged. 

    对于超过10,000美元的付款,必须发起购买请求. Orders 在生成采购订单之前,不能向供应商/承包商下订单 approved. 支付给供应商/承包商的费用低于$10,000,部门 should pay the invoice via UNC Visa card (PCard). 


    • Invoice;
    • 采购总金额为$10,000或以上时的采购订单编号;
    • 美国国税局表格W-9和直接存款表格的收款人没有分配一个熊 Number in the financial system;
    • 如受款人的姓名自上次更改,请填写个人资料更改要求表格 they were paid by UNC;
    • 经UNC税务会计批准的礼品卡购买豁免书;
    • 礼品、奖品或奖项受赠人资料表格,以证明礼品受赠人的身份 cards.
  • Reimbursement Requests

    Non-Travel Reimbursements

    当个人接受指导时,可以要求报销与旅行无关的费用 使用个人资金购买经学校批准的商品或服务 amounts less than $10,000.

    • 在购买之前,请获得部门基金审批人的批准 the University using personal funds;
    • 请注意,报销申请在费用支付后超过60天提交 is incurred will be considered taxable income.

    Travel Reimbursements

    •  旅行报销申请不需要资金审批人签名,如果填写了 由基金核准人签署的批准的旅行授权与旅行一起提交 Reimbursement Request form.
    • 如果学校提供的UNC VISA信用卡(PCard)没有被学校使用 员工支付差旅费用,差旅报销可由账户持有 Payable for up to thirty (30) days before disbursing the payment.
    • 请注意,报销申请提交超过60天后返回 date must be reported as taxable income.

    The following expenses will not be reimbursed:

    • Seat upgrades;
    • Priority boarding;
    • Parking expenses exceeding $15 per day;
    • Bag fees for two or more checked bags (one checked bag is allowed);
    • 超过往返目的地和住所机票费用的里程费用;
    • Flight change fees;
    • Meals for one-day travel;
    • 国内旅游保险(国际旅游保险) be purchased if pre-approved by the Fund Approver);
    • Rental car insurance except for a policy for Loss of Use;
    • Alcoholic beverages;
    • Entertainment expenses;
    • 任何超出按日费率允许的杂项费用的个人费用.
  • Independent Contracts

    独立承包商是指与大学签订合同提供服务的个人 以自行决定的方式向大学提供指定货物或服务.  Generally 独立承包商可以控制他们的时间表和数量 hours worked, jobs accepted, and performance of their job.  An individual cannot be 如果他们被视为大学的雇员,则被视为独立承包商. For more information about paying independent contractors, please see UNC Policies and Procedures for Hiring Independent Contractors.

  • Moving Expense Reimbursement

    调动一名新的联合国军司令部雇员的有关费用将由一个中央的 budget monitored by the Human Resources Department. Any amounts anticipated to exceed $2,500 will require pre-approval by the appropriate vice president. All moving expense reimbursements shall be clearly stated in the employment letter. For information about submitting moving expense reimbursements, please see Instructions for Moving Expense Reimbursement.

  • Special Check Request

    在极少数情况下,部门可能需要立即支付给供应商/承包商的支票. 当需要立即进行检查而不可能进行检查时,进行特殊检查 to wait for the regular check printing process. There is a $25 charge to your department for each special check request that is processed.

    • Complete a Special Check Request Form.
    • Complete a Check/ACH Request Form.
    • 将填妥的表格连同证明文件一并提交给应付帐款 department before 3pm on the day you require the special check.
  • Wire Transfers

    要求做银行电汇付款后,将由应付账款部门受理 与供应商/承包商确认不存在通过PCard付款的选项; ACH or check. 如果部门确认没有其他付款方式, 部门可以联系应付账款以获得电汇申请表. Once Accounts 已经联系了应付帐款,应付帐款人员将配合部门工作 获取所有必要的信息(包括税务表格和供应商/承包商) set-up information) and approvals for the transfer of funds. Wire transfers are complex 而且可能很耗时,所以部门应该计划花费大量的资金 在处理电汇之前处理应付账款的时间. 每处理一次电汇,你的部门要收取30美元的费用.

  • Definitions

    Fund Approver有权批准联合国军司令部经费支出的人 from a specified account string.

    Official Function:促进和发展活动和/或促进经济和公民的活动 对学生、员工、财政支持者和社区(市政、 educational, professional and international).